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The Aim

theLOOK. believes that good design and powerful, thematic storytelling can bring a brand’s essence and personality to life. From conception to project completion listening is our top priority to ensure we deliver the best possible results for our clients. Our approach takes design inspiration and combines it with varying genres and formats from the world of art to create a truly unique visual identity for our clients. 

The Process

STEP BACK. Think! Don't rush!
ASK. Talk to the client. Achieve clarity.
BE INSPIRED. Create something that 'feels' right!
INSTINCT. If it doesn't 'feel' right, STOP! Ask yourself, why?
CONFIDENCE. Don’t be afraid to start again! 

The Background

Find out all about us via the social media links listed below under theLOOK.Follow!

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The Services

Social Media Design

Take a look at theLOOK.Portfolio for all you need to know about our Social Media Designs!

Website Design

Take a look at theLOOK.'LIVE' Visual Branding & see what we did for The Pineapple's new website!

'LIVE' Visual Branding

Process management, event coordination, for everything you need to know, take a look at theLOOK.'LIVE Visual Branding


Support, help & advice with all things Japan! From design to culture, from language to business! Take a look at theLOOK.Japan

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